
Monday, August 25, 2014

A Whole Lot of Random

My, oh my! It sure has been busy around here...

Between the total craziness at my day job and getting the kids/house ready to go back to school, I feel like it's been pure chaos around here. There are just not enough hours in the day, or enough days in the week. Can we just make weekends a little bit longer? That would help out a ton!

I didn't get a post out last week due to all the chaos, so today's includes a number of random things we've been up to lately. And a lot of grainy iPhone pictures.

As I mentioned, we have been getting the kids and house ready for back to school. The kids are actually back in school as of today! And in an effort to get ahead of the clutter that's sure to come with the kids back in school, we have been tackling a few projects to prep for the mess. First on that list: Creating a pretty and functional drop zone wall in our entryway!

We finished the wall just in time. Although, this picture shows a work still in progress, I plan to "reveal" the space later this week. While this project was in the works, there was even MORE clutter than usual. Isn't that the way it usually goes? Tear one space apart until you finish your project and can manage to put it back together?

We have added some hooks to the wall in accessible heights for the littles. The plan is that this wall will provide a space in which they can hang up their own back packs and coats. Every little bit that the kiddos can contribute to a cleaner and more organized home is extremely helpful.

We're also in the progress of power washing the side of the house. I'm always amazed at the amount of grime that gets washed away by the power washer. Too bad we can only reach a certain height without a ladder. That might be something that we want to invest in sometime... In the meantime, you can see the point at which we just can't reach any higher!

In the meantime, we're also power-washing the fence. I'm trying to convince the hubs that we should also seal the fence with some sort of decking sealer. Have you ever tried to power-wash and seal your fence? I'm totally open to suggestions.

Also on the fence topic, we put up some galvanized steel wire to keep the dog in the fence. Sadie, the dog, thought that it was 100% acceptable to do her business in the neighbor's yard and then take a leisurely jaunt across the street to visit the other neighbors. No one was amused by this, accept Sadie, of course.

Last, but by no means least, we also celebrated a very special 6th birthday!

Our beautiful Skylar is now 6 and is now officially a first grader. Where does time go? It feels like no time at all has passed since she was a baby. We've really enjoyed watching her grow up to be such an adventurous little girl. If there's ever an activity that one of the kids is hesitant about trying, Skylar is always the first to jump right in. Riding bikes, racing down hills, you name it, she's a total daredevil.

With every spare moment we have had lately, we've tried to soak up every little last bit of summer.

With lots of bike riding.

Playing outside and walks to the park.

And even a trip to Knoebel's Amusement park with friends!

Summer vacation is officially over, but we had a blast! On to another new chapter of our lives :)


  1. I can totally relate to the chaos of back to school. I can't wait to see the entryway reveal.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ahhh the end of summer and back to school. We have a lot of "randomness" going on as well. Not really ready for summer to be over, but ready for a regular routine.

    1. We're only 2 days into the school year, but I had completely forgotten how much work it is!

  4. Looks like you guys have been busy! I know how that goes, we are trying to squeeze in our last week of fun before school starts.
